Summer Lawn Care

Summer is upon us! and so is summer lawn care. The temperature is increasing, and we are enjoying the outdoors, going about finding ways to cool down. It’s this time of year that it’s also important that we understand the effect the increased temperatures also have on our grass.

Changing a few little things now will help to ensure your lawn gets through the summer heat as best it can.

  • Summer is the peak growing period for most Australian lawn types

  • Regular deep-watering is better for your lawn than frequent shallow-watering

  • Regular mowing will be better for your lawn

The key to keeping your lawn in top condition right through summer is a combination of the right lawn-type coupled with the appropriate amount of irrigation and care. Regular deep-watering to encourage a stronger and deeper root-system. An occasional nutrient-boost with a high-quality, lawn-fertiliser application will help to keep your lawn in top-shape for summer. The healthier the lawn, the less susceptible to weeds or disease it becomes.

When should I water my lawn?

Conserving water and getting the most benefit out of the water you do use, is the most important aspect of summer lawn care. Watering in the heat of the day will cause a lot of moisture loss due to evaporation. Watering your lawn in the morning or evening. This will better allow the water to be absorbed and limit the amount of water lost to evaporation. If you experience humid conditions overnight, it’s best to water in the morning only as evening watering can lead to disease issues.

If your region has received plenty of rain over the last few weeks you shouldn’t need to be giving the lawn any additional water.

If there’s been a dry spell and the lawn has not been watered and you notice it looking a touch lacklustre, check to see if your soil is water repellent. You can do this by pouring some water onto a few areas. If it doesn’t soak in quickly, the soil may have developed hydrophobia.

Timothy O'Neill